The Plague … threatens the livestock in northern Syria || WATAN launches a campaign against the consequences of the pandemic.

Most families in northern Syria depend on livestock as their main source of income. Due to the deteriorating condition within Syria, the industry has been experiencing major setbacks, including the outbreak of many diseases among the livestock.

In order to support the value chain of the livestock, WATAN worked in cooperation with many international and civil society organisations to establish laboratories for the examination and verification of the diseases spreading among the livestock.

After three years of examination and verification, veterinarians discovered the presence of a plague (small ruminants). To reduce the spread of this disease, WATAN in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, launched a vaccination campaign.

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Within the countryside of Aleppo, the regions of Al-Bab, Qabasin, Al-Rai and Bza’a is where the veterinary teams distributed the vaccinations to 140 thousand sheep and goats. Other organizations have also been working on vaccination campaigns in the rest of northern Syria and the number of families who have benefitted has reached approximately 4,100.

As part of our aim to support the income of these families, WATAN also distributed 400 feed grinding machines to livestock breeders in the rural areas of Aleppo and Idlib, with the aim of increasing the resilience of the affected families during these trying times.