8 Staff Members from Global Consultancy Firm Travel to Turkey to Visit Us

This week, a group of 8 volunteers working at Accenture, the global consultancy agency, travelled to southern Turkey to be of service to Watan UK projects on the ground. The team took it upon themselves to raise funds for their trip and to donate to the charity, with Accenture match funding their raised total, culminating in raising approximately £6000 in the process.

When they arrived in Turkey, they visited an orphanage and women training centres, where they met with a total of 217 orphans, alongside their guardians, and helped to distribute various essential items to the orphans which their raised funds helped to purchase. They distributed educational toys, such as drawing tools and puzzle games, medical eyeglasses, and other medical products.
Afterwards, they visited the women training camps, where refugee Syria train women learn useful skills in order to better their lives, such as the manufacture of furniture, sewing, and more.
The team had a great time and found the trip very insightful. We are all very grateful for their participation, its always great to find companies support charity. We are always open to opportunities like this so if you are interested in doing something similar please get in touch!