Shelter continues to be a problem in North-western Syria

After extending the activities of the project “Distributing essential shelter materials for families displaced” in agreement with the UNHCR, WATAN moved to the second phase, which targets 18000 families. WATAN teams started the assessment work to distribute 10000 tents and 8000 emergency baskets, prepare sites for 600 refugee housing units in three areas, and dig wells.

The amount of ground leveling in area A amounted to 46000 square meters, 40000 square meters in area B, and 39000 square meters in area C. Wells were dug in area A and area B.

The number of family members targeted in the second phase is 90000. In the near future, WATAN seeks to reach all affected families in northwestern Syria and provide various non-food items to help improve shelter conditions. The second phase of the project aims to distribute 18000 winter emergency baskets, install 6000 family tents with flooring, and install 600 refugee housing units. WATAN is working with full capacity to prepare the infrastructure for 2600 new units, with the goal of completing them next year within its efforts to secure good housing conditions for all the people displaced in northwestern Syria.