Because of the war that has been going on for a decade, many children in Syria suffer from major disorders threatening their healthy and integrated development. In order to address these major challenges in their upbringing, WATAN UK continues to implement its activities through the Ahlan Sesame project for the training of caregivers.

The activities target caregivers and parents of children under the age of eight. The project aims to raise awareness on the importance of the early childhood stage on the subsequent stages of the child’s development and help parents learn about effective ways to support their children’s development and manage their behaviours. This comes within the framework of its cooperation with the International Rescue Committee IRC.

The project takes place in the following centres: Al-Hassan Al-Basri, Hamza bin Abdul-Muttalib,and Al-Qadisiyah Center in the following camps: Siraj, Khan Toman, Habit Al-Khair in the villages Hazra and Deir Hassan and the cities Idlib, Harem, and Al-Dana.

It is noteworthy that the number of beneficiaries in October through physical and virtual sessions reached 281, while the number of caregivers benefiting through WhatsApp reached 102 people. 2603 children benefited directly, in addition to 4674 children indirectly by targeting their caregivers. It is worth noting that the project, since its launch in its current phase on 1/1/2021 until October has targeted 2603 caregivers directly and 918 indirectly through WhatsApp groups and has targeted 1540 children directly and 4674 children indirectly by targeting their families.


The project is expected to contribute to:

1- Increasing the participation of parents during crises in creating and establishing a supportive, safe and inclusive early learning environment.

2- Enhancing the normal life of children in times of crises by alleviating the pressures they suffer from and providing an environment that allows for the healthy and integrated development of children that makes them independent and skilled individuals who contribute to building their societies in the future