Emergency response to support partial stabilization of people displaced

At the end of 2020, WATAN concluded the “Emergency Response in the water sector and sanitation and hygiene sector in camps” project in partnership with UNICEF.

In the water sector: WATAN teams supplied fourteen camps in Harem, Maarat, Al-Ikhwan, Batbo, and Al-Dana with water and continued to examine the level of chlorine in the water as the water is an urgent necessity for drinking and daily needs such as washing This reflected on people’s general hygiene and reduced the financial burden on people.

In the hygiene sector: The project contributed to the reduction of leishmaniasis disease through solid waste collection and disposal outside the camps.

In the public health sector: WATAN continued its efforts raising awareness on COVID-19 for the past eight months, distributed hygiene baskets from which 12522 individuals benefited. The number of beneficiaries of all previous activities reached 26761 individuals, which resulted in beneficiaries getting water without the need to travel long distances, and the levels of public hygiene increased, which led to a decrease in the spread of diseases.

On the level of communities:
The project improved the health and living conditions of the population in the target communities through the following activities:

  • Restoration of drinking water, sewage, and sanitisation networks in: Kafr Rahmoul, Ram Hamdan, Zardana, and Kafr Jalis.
  • Restoration of support for the public sanitation sector (like binmen, cleaners, etc.) in: Kafr Rahmoul, Ram Hamdan, Zardana, and Kafr Jalis.
  • Maintenance of public facilities for the following health centres: Kafrayhmoul Health Centre, Ram Hamdan Health Centre, Zardana Health Centre, Bahoury Health Centre, Kfardaryan Hospital, and Al Salam and Abi Dhar Health Centres in Idlib
  • Operating water stations to provide healthy and sterile water and building a cost recovery system in the towns of Kafr Yahmoul, Ram Hamdan, Zardana and Alhbat.
  • Health awareness activities as a part of the awareness campaign for COVID-19 prevention.
  • Water pumping activity in Bahouri town.
  • In addition to preparing for the maintenance activity of generating sets and pumps for the water plants.

These above activities are supported by UNICEF, the Kuwaiti Donor, and the British Donor.

The output of these activities was as follows:

In the Water Sector:
The sanitary and sterile water services have reached 14,500 new beneficiaries, as the daily share of water per beneficiary has reached more than 35 litres. And there are a further 7900 beneficiaries from the services that support the operation of water stations to provide healthy water through the public network in Bahouri town.

In the Sanitisation Sector:
The sanitation services improved, and the efficiency of the networks increased after treating leaks and blockages, in addition to eliminating odour emissions. Groundwater wells were by removing the final outfall of sewage, and sanitation services have reached more than 9500 new beneficiaries.

In the General Hygiene Sector:
Solid waste collection and transfer services and the removal of dumpsites were completed in the towns of Kafr Yahmoul, Ram Hamdan, Zardana, and Kafr Jalis. The number of individuals benefiting from the implementation of the activity (35189).

In the Public Health Sector:
The health awareness sessions for COVID-19 and the distribution of preventive hygiene baskets were carried out in the towns of Kafr Rahmoul, Ram Hamdan, Zardana, Kafr Jalis, and Alhbat . According to the updated statistics, the number of beneficiaries from this implementation of these sessions reached 36,075 individuals, and the preventive hygiene basket was distributed to 7770 families.

In general, the project was able to support the recovery of displaced people in camps from the effects of war, limit the spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and help the displaced to partially settle in their whereabouts.