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The Third Watan Center For Thalassemia Treatment Is Nearing Its Second Year

Watan’s third Health Center, which provides treatment for Thalassemia in Idlib, continues to receive patients for the second year in a row. The number of beneficiaries last September reached 95 in the Thalassemia Department of which 82 received blood transfusions.
1146 patients benefited from the laboratory department and 2043 laboratory tests were performed for them. The number of bags of donated blood reached 343 bags as a result of 1372 tests performed, and the number of bags disbursed reached 366 bags (whole blood, platelets, plasma, and condensed red cells),bringing the total number of beneficiaries in the past month to 1607 individuals.
The center began its work on 26th of November 2018 and has three main departments:Watan’s third Health Center, which provides treatment for Thalassemia in Idlib, continues to receive patients for the second year in a row. The number of beneficiaries last September reached 95 in the Thalassemia Department of which 82 received blood transfusions.
1146 patients benefited from the laboratory department and 2043 laboratory tests were performed for them. The number of bags of donated blood reached 343 bags as a result of 1372 tests performed, and the number of bags disbursed reached 366 bags (whole blood, platelets, plasma, and condensed red cells),bringing the total number of beneficiaries in the past month to 1607 individuals.
The center began its work on 26th of November 2018 and has three main departments:

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1- Department of Hematology (Thalassemia):
The department is supervised by a physician specialized in hematology assisted by experienced nurses. The department is equipped with eight beds and all the equipment necessary to examine patients and conduct the necessary qualitative analysis and to carry out blood transfusion on patients if neccessary. In addition, the center provides free medicine including iron-chelating drugs such as Desferal.

2- Central Laboratory Department:
The department is supervised by a doctor specialized in medical laboratory assisted by staff specialized in laboratory analysis. It is equipped with advanced laboratory devices such as apparatus that separates blood into its components (packed red blood cells, plasma, platelets) and the ELISA device. The hemoglobin electrophoresis is carried out to diagnose thalassemia, which is considered the only qualitative device in northern Syria.
The laboratory is concerned with conducting all the tests for thalassemia patients, and performing the tests for blood donated, in addition to the analysis provided to patients referred from nearby hospitals and health centers.

3- Blood Bank Department:
The department is responsible for internal and external blood donation operations, storing blood and its derivatives according to medical requirements, and providing blood for thalassemia patients and dispensing blood to neighboring hospitals.
Recently, the center had an important role in psychological support after its partnership with the Hope Revival Organization for Psychological Support. It undertook the tasks of evaluating and following up people with mental disorders and holding group sessions for psychological awareness, with the aim of providing psychological and social safety. The number of beneficiaries of this service ranges between 30-40 beneficiaries daily.