The struggling to reach clean water in northern Syria camps || Drinking water network project to supply the northern Syrian camps

Access to water and sanitation is a basic human right and a basic necessity for life and health. Hence, the provision of clean water and sanitation services in a timely and sufficient manner for displaced people is a step of extreme importance. In WATAN, we seek through various projects to facilitate access to water and provide the people displaced in the northern Syrian camps with services on a daily basis.

Engineering teams recently constructed a water network in each of Islamna 1, Islamna 2 and Al Nahda camps connected to a 150 cubic meter water tank that they built in the Harem region and also worked to dig an artesian well to pump water daily into the reservoir.

The project serves about 5,000 displaced people, and WATAN is conducting a study to expand the project during the coming period.

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