Watan UK on the ground in Deraa

We at Watan UK have been working to provide rapid response aid to displaced people on the ground in southern Syria. We are running programs to provide shelter kits, hygiene kits, health packages and sanitation packages, alongside any other aid we can provide. The team on the ground is working around the clock to deal with the very difficult situation, made worse due to the raging conflict and the inability to cross the Jordanian border.

The United Nations estimates that anywhere between 270,000 people and 330,000 people have been displaced by the recent fighting in the south of Syria, and that number is likely to grow higher in the coming days, having already surpassed previous estimates about how many people would be forced to flee the fighting. More than half of the number of displaced people are children. All those who have been displaced have found themselves in serious danger, due to the ever-present threat of violence from the conflict, combined with the circumstances of living in emergency camps in the desert border area with Jordan, where they are subject to sweltering heat, the risk of dehydration, scorpion bites, and lack of access to food.

Any donations you can provide to be of service to the effort are greatly appreciated, the people on the ground need all the help they can get.