People displaced face great risks during crises as means for exploitation increase.WATAN UK held sessions to raise awareness among camp residents in order to protect against sexual abuse and exploitation, in addition to holding relevant trainings for members of the communities in which it serves. WATAN UK team members and members of organizations affiliated with WATAN UK network were also trained in cooperation with IOM within 15 camps in Idlib and Harem.

The project aims to introduce the residents inside the camps to kinds of exploitation and abuse and how to report them, while raising awareness about the danger of remaining silent about such cases, and establishing contact points, in addition to raising their awareness of forms of exploitation by humanitarian workers.

The number of beneficiaries since the start of the project until October reached 1397 beneficiaries including women, children, community leaders in the camps, trainees from WATAN UK cadre, and trainees from health centre cadres. It is expected for the project in the near future to reach the number of beneficiaries according to the project’s plan and continue training centres that provide services starting with health centres. The project aims to increase the cases of disclosure and reporting of sexual exploitation and to create safer environments in camps.