Abdifatah Half-Marathon

[charityhome_vc_section_title title=”Running on one leg” alignment=”left” title_separator=”double”][/charityhome_vc_section_title]

Abdifatah sustained injury to his leg when the Somali civil war broke out 1991. He was in need of immediate medical attention however due to the state of the country and lack of resources he was unable to get the medical treatment that he required. After years of uncertainty he arrived in the UK as a refugee where he was finally able to receive the right medical care. Unfortunately by the it was too late to fix the damaged caused to his leg and the best option was to amputate.

In-spite of all that had happened Abifatah feels fortunate because he was able to receive the right physiotherapy treatment to help him recover. But not only recover, he was able to get better, fitter and do what he was unable to do before! Without the help of the physio he had received he says: ‘I wouldn’t have dreamed of walking let alone running and running my first marathon within 3hrs 14mins

He continued to say: ‘Sadly, many people living in war torn Syria are not as fortunate as myself’. As someone who had experienced this struggle first had Abdifatah is determined to make a difference by running at the Royal Parks half marathon on the 8th October in hopes of fundraising for our Physiotherapy centre.

With over 100,000 Syrians suffering from disabilities due to war the need for treatment cannot be ignored. At our physiotherapy centre in Reyhanli, we specialise in treating Syrian Refugees free of charge. The centre provides free treatment to those who need it whether in the centre or at their homes as well as it taking on 100 students a year to provide them with free education and qualification to trainees who can then work in the Centre after qualifying.